The Genius Move : SAP

In what's another genius move, Father John Misty just announced his very own (and crap-sounding) SAP - Streamline Audio Protocol: "I am pleased to introduce SAP, a new signal-to-audio process by which popular albums are "sapped" of their performances, original vocal, atmosphere and other distracting affectations so the consumer can decide quickly and efficiently whether they like a musical composition, based strictly on its formal attributes, enough to spend money on it. SAP files sound incredible when compressed and streamed at low resolutions over any laptop speaker or cell phone. They are cheap to produce and take up even less space than the average MP3. They contain just enough meta-data to be recognized by sophisticated genre aggregation software. Everything you love about discovering and sharing free music, minus the cost to anyone: artist or fan." Check the whole super-critical cheese fest about "discoverness, freedoming, and sharehood", complete with crap versions of his new album and the most insane imagery, over here! (rnk)