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Streetpark Demo

Demo with Analog US Team including
Arto Saari, Stefan Janoski, Dylan Rider, Omar Salazar and Jon Goeman.

Demo with Matix US Team including
Brandon Biebel, Mike Mo, Mike Anderson
Marty Murawski, Jesus Fernandez and
JB Gillet

Osires Team Demo with the following Riders: 
Riders PRO: Clint Peterson, Garrett Hill, John Rattray, Shuriken Shannon
Riders AM: John Lupfer, Marius Syvanen, Till zu Dhona, Klaus Dieter Span, Michi Duffner

Famous Stars and Straps Demo includes:
Manny Santiago,  Luis Tolentino,  Aquil  Brathwaite, Crow

More teams comming soon …

Bowl Contest

Bowl Invitation Contest with Boardstein:
25 competitors are invited for high level battle at the indoor bowl!

PLACE Marble Ledges Session
presented by Nike SB

On Friday, it's open session at Frankfurt's finest yet secret street spot. Three marble ledges will be made available, in addition to the obstacles on location. It's three ledges, two hours, one winner - judged by the skaters. Skating from 6-8pm, entrance fee: one bag of cement (= 2,50 Euro). Location: corner, Gutleutstraße/Ahrenstraße. This is not a skatepark, so respect the locals and their spot. The event is supported by AZITA.



Press Release Summer 2008

Please check out the press release.


Opening hours!

Bright opens from 10.00 to 18.00 every day from Friday till Sunday.

Mike Mo


MATIX CLOTHING Team Instore/Signings

Brandon Biebel
Mike Mo
Mike Anderson
Marty Murawski
Jesus Fernandez
JB Gillet
Torey Pudwill

Saturday, July 12. I 14h
Signing @

Rossmarkt 10
60311 Frankfurt/Main
Tel.         069 20 405

Wednesday, July 16. I 15h
Signing @

Titus Zoopreme
Meinekestr. 2
10719 Berlin
Tel. 030 32 59 32 39

Osiris Team Demo

We are proud to present the Osires US Pro Team
at Summer Bright 2008!
Clint Peterson, Garrett Hill, John Rattray, Shuriken Shannon


Subvert Cuba Project

Sachspendenaufruf für Cuba
Das SUBVERT CUBA PROJECT, für das wir schon vor 2 Jahren gebrauchten Skatestuff sammelten, ist auch dieses Mal wieder präsent und nimmt Sachspenden entgegen, und zwar bei AAA-Distribution (Raum 392).
Ein erster Kubikmeter erreichte bereits die Skater von Cuba, die mit größter Dankbarkeit die Boards und Schuhe entgegennahmen.
Mehr Infos:


Matix Team Demo

We are proud to present the Matix Team!
Brandon Biebel
Mike Mo
Mike Anderson
Marty Murawski
Jesus Fernandez
JB Gillet


Source job agency

At the Summer Bright Tradeshow, Source Europe’s one and only  B-to-B Boardsport magazine will be offering a free job platform for the industry and tradeshow visitors..

Are you looking for an Agent? Are you looking for a European Distributor in a specific territory? Are you looking for a Marketing Manager to push your brand into the spotlight? Are you a Marketing Manager looking for a job? Are you an Agent looking for a brand?

Source will have an info booth and Job posting blackboard in the foyer on the 1st floor. If you would like to have a job advertisement on the Source blackboard, please send it via e-mail in A4 Size to: or

Deadline for advertisements is july the 4th.

New PR and Marketing Manager

Bright is pleased to announce the
addition of Eric Conyers as the
new PR and Marketing manager.


Demo instead of Contest

For the first time in summer, we will present at the courtyard Skatepark Demo Skateboarding on a high international level.
Analog will show up with the international Teamriders,  Arto Saari, Stefan Janoski, Dylan Rider, Omar Salazar and Jon Goeman.